
By PairTree Studios

Think your website might need a face lift? Here are our favorite 10 easy ways to improve your website.

1) Make Your Site Mobile Friendly - How often do you use your phone to search online?

Exactly. Having a mobile optimized website is a necessity. No matter what platform your website utilizes (WordPress, Wix, SquareSpace, Weebly), you can easily optimize your site for mobile users to have a great experience.

2) Add a Call to Action - What do you want your user to do?

Don’t be afraid to tell your users what action you want them to take! If you want them to contact you, add a “Contact Us” button. If you want them to buy your product, add a “Buy Now” button. They can still choose whether they take action, but there’s no harm in clarifying.

3) Share Your Value Proposition - Why should a visitor choose you over your competitors?

What value do you offer that they can’t resist? The point isn’t to brag about how great your business is, anyone can do that. Lead with your unique selling proposition and the benefits you offer. Add this to your home page.

4) Have a Clear Navigation System - Is your website easy to use?

Have you ever visited a website, but wasn’t sure what to do next. Maybe you couldn’t find the search bar, or were bombarded with sales graphics. Make sure your menu links are working, and your home page is clear and easy to navigate.

5) Check for Errors, Typos, and Broken Assets - These small mistakes are easy to overlook.

Don’t leave a bad impression on visitors! Show them that details matter. Send your site to friends and have them check too!

6) Remove Automatic Sliders & Carousels From the Top of Your Home Page

“But I love sliders!” Yes, they are pretty cool! But displaying too much information can be overwhelming to viewers. How many times have you clicked through a whole carousel on a home page? 🤷 It’s best to have 1 main message at the top of your home page.

7) Use Internal Linking - A great beginner SEO tip

Internal linking is exactly what you think it is, linking internally on your site! Here’s an example: from your homepage, you have text that says “Contact Us today for your free quote”. Add a hyperlink to the words “Contact Us” that leads to your contact page. Adding internal links like this throughout your website is great for SEO. These links show Google the structure of your site, and show which pages are most important.

8) Have a Contact Form

Is your contact information easy to find? Adding a contact form right on your site can allow viewers to easily message you without having to leave your website. You can even add Facebook Messenger chat to your site!

9) Create Team Pages - Get personal

Whether you have a team or you’re working solo, an “About” page is always great to help viewers connect with YOU. Connecting with your viewers can go a long way. Stop selling and start building a relationship!

10) Track Visitors & Views with Facebook Pixels & Google Analytics

The first step towards paid advertising! Adding Facebook Pixels and Google Analytics to your website will allow you to track your visitors. See which pages are getting the most traffic. This is usually an easy addition with a quick Google search, or ask us for help!

Your website is an integral part of your business! It’s important that your site is optimized and easy to use for visitors. Try implementing these 10 easy ways to improve your website. Not tech savvy? That’s what we’re here for! We love helping small businesses improve their online presence, and we’d love to help you optimize your website. Feel free to contact us today! (Nice internal linking, huh? 😉)