By Christina

You may be thinking…how in the world are Barbie roller skates and websites connected? Well, they are I promise!

I keep having this recurring daydream of me buying roller skates and practicing in my garage so I can skate around my neighborhood. And it reminded me of when I was six years old and went to a birthday party at the local skating rink. I didn’t know how to skate but I was so excited because my mom bought me and Mallory these Barbie skates and they were so cool. On the way to the skating rink I was thinking about going so fast and doing spins all kinds of cool things.  I was so ready and I knew I’d be awesome at it. How hard could it be? And then we got to the skating rink, I put on my Barbie skates, and they. were. TRASH. They were so loud and made this horrible clanking sound. They didn’t roll either. So you basically had to scoot around with this crazy noise to get anywhere. 


Needless to say, my dream of being awesome went out the window fast. I still remember feeling so sad because it didn’t turn out how I expected. I really thought I had it in the bag. Granted I may have had the wrong tool to help me succeed, but let’s be honest, as a six year old it was highly unlikely I’d be a seasoned pro no matter what skates I had ðŸ˜‚.

Just like the endless supply of roller skates I’ve been eyeballing online, there are SO many online website builders now, and they can seem really really easy to use. And to be honest most of them are! Building a regular old website with a template doesn’t have to be difficult. Scooting around on my clunky Barbie skates wasn’t difficult either. But it was a big let down when I realized it wasn’t what I thought it’d be 😭.

Building your own website can be a great experience, especially if you’ve got some down time, your content planned out, and a ready-to-learn attitude. We all learn somewhere! But what if after trying to build it yourself you realize it wasn’t what you expected? Or maybe you chose the wrong platform to start with? What if you’d rather just focus on the things you love to do instead of learning web design?

We love to design websites! And we’ve already “been there, done that” with a lot of the mistakes many make when they’re learning web design. We’d love to help you bring your new website to life, and even set you up afterwards to make your own updates!