
By Christina

You read that right. I downloaded TikTok for 2 weeks. And boy did I get sucked in.

I dont even know why I downloaded it. But I would find myself scrolling through the “For You” videos until my eyes would go nuts (kind of like when you play guitar hero and afterwards yours eyes keep scrolling 🎸).

While some of the videos actually made me throw-your-head-back-laugh-out-loud, the majority were girls dancing to the same popular song over and over with an obvious lack of enthusiasm. Granted, I couldn’t have done better myself. Either way, I wasted a ton of time.

Social media can be a drain! 

And as a business owner I’m learning how to be present on social media without letting it take over my free time.

The #1 lesson I learned was: despite what it seems, you DONT have to be everywhere online.

❌ I have no reason to be on Tiktok, my audience isn’t on TikTok, and its just a time hole. App deleted!

✔️ But I do need an Instagram and Pinterest account.

It’s better to stick with a few apps you can focus on really growing, instead of spreading yourself too thin, or getting sucked into an app you have no business being on anyways 🤣

My goal this quarter is to spend more time engaging and less time mindlessly scrolling.

Which social media platforms do you use in your business, and how do you manage your time using those apps?